Prix d’Excellence du Domaine Design et Arts Visuels HES-SO, domaine Arts Visuels
I thought you were real, but you called me bourgeois, Sara Bissen, CCC – Programme Master de recherche HEAD – Genève
© Claudia Ndebele
I thought you were real, but you called me bourgeois
Sara Bissen
Contacter Sara
Prix & distinctions:
Çagla Aykaç
Executed as immersive installation “I thought you were real, but you called me bourgeois” collide animation characters and viewers to share the mental journey through saturated worlds that were bootstrapped by reality itself. Different chapters of animation touch upon entanglement between identity politics, the centrality of Western models in decolonial debates, commodification of misery in advanced capitalism, and reactive recomposition of current social structures. Theoretical references largely encrusted into animation surroundings disclose the motley exchange of thoughts between Agarrando pueblo, Rosi Braidotti, Soviet sci-fi and many more. Characters interactions throughout the scenes bounce fast, but only within a strictly defined set of capitalist parameters that themselves never waver. Despite operating of critical thinking, characters find themselves unable to devise a new political-ideological vision, recover lost possible futures, and indeed the future as such.
I thought you were real, but you called me bourgeois, Sara Bissen, CCC – Programme Master de recherche HEAD – Genève
© Claudia Ndebele
I thought you were real, but you called me bourgeois, Sara Bissen, CCC – Programme Master de recherche HEAD – Genève
© Claudia Ndebele
I thought you were real, but you called me bourgeois, Sara Bissen, CCC – Programme Master de recherche HEAD – Genève
© Claudia Ndebele